You want your home to be comfortable – but not for pests! Our friendly technicians will free your home from pests and make sure they won't return – using products that are safe for your family, pets and the environment, backed by our 200% guarantee.

With dedicated client service for our commercial pest control customers, we know what you need, when you need it and the best way to approach the pest problem. K.C.S are the experts in Nambour to keep the pests away from your business.
We provide yearly, quarterly pest control plans for your business. We will quote you based upon your individual needs with no hidden costs. Our commercial pest control team will then be able to treat any problems, and safeguarding the return of pests.
Foraging worker ants can be a nuisance as they travel quickly and widely in search of food, following well-defined trails and clustering around the food source. They are attracted to sweet or fatty substances in kitchens, pantries, storerooms and warehouses. In hospitals they have been found feeding on septic dressings, soiled linen and excrement.
Ants are the most prolific and successful group of insects. Their nests can be found almost anywhere, in lawns, under stones or wood, in decaying trees, under buildings, in cavity wall and roof voids or anywhere that affords them protection.
Bed Bug infestations are notoriously difficult to combat by yourself, and without the careful inspection and treatment by a professional pest control technician. This must be followed by thorough, and comprehensive treatment of all infested and adjoining areas. Infestations are often detected by the welts and irritation caused by the bites, or fecal smears and blood spots visible on pillowcases, sheets and mattresses. Typical hiding places are in the tufts, folds and seams of mattresses, or cracks in the box springs and bed frame. Serious infestations often spread to behind baseboards, window and door casings, pictures, electrical switch plates, loose wallpaper, in furniture upholstery and the pleats of drapes.
Cockroaches generally don’t like light and if found in the home, can be more commonly spotted at night, usually darting away when you enter the room. If a large infestation is in the home, there is often a distinct odour. Droppings and vomit marks are usually visible on surfaces and hinges inside cupboards and drawers. The Australian cockroach is a very good flyer but mostly during warmer weather, preferring warmer climate. However, it can survive indoors during colder weather as long as water is available, so warm, moist conditions are ideal for this unpleasant house guest.
Fleas are an annoying insect that feed on the blood from animals, including humans in their adult form. There are over 70 species in Australia but the most common are the cat and dog fleas. Most of their life cycle actually occurs while living on the pet, and they can lie dormant in cocoons for several months waiting for any vibrations that may stir them into action. It’s a common misperception that grass fleas or sand fleas are a different species. These fleas are just fleas that have been deposited onto the ground by the pet. If there are a few living on your pet there are usually many more out in the yard. The adult flea can survive for over four months without a single blood feed and successful eradication often requires treatment by a qualified pest technician.
Silverfish have a long slender body, flattened and normally 13-25mm, giving them a fish like appearance. They completely lack wings and have two antennae which move side to side like a fish, they cannot climb smooth surfaces and are nocturnal. Silverfish can typically live for two to four years, preferring warmer temperatures and dying off in climates higher than 40 degrees. When indoors they can be found in roof and wall cavities, as well as subfloors and in cupboards. They will eat foods like oats, sugar, and synthetic fibres. They can go for long periods of time without food, and signs of feeding are not obvious. They are fast and agile insects, sometimes contributing to their downfall, as they often become trapped in bathtubs.
The formidable appearance and size of spiders make them the most feared of all the creepy crawlies. However most spiders are harmless and avoid people. Among the most commonly found in Australia are the:
Red Back Spider
Black House Spider
Funnel Web
White Tail
Daddy Long Legs
If you're not liking the sound of any of these living inside your home, we can provide eradication and general protection against spiders and many insects alike.
Ticks are common in many parts of Australia and can even be found in the gardens of family homes. They have mouthpiece like a beak and a body shaped like a pear, ranging in size from 1.2mm as larvae to 4mm as adults. Due to their small size, they can be difficult to see until engorged by blood feeding. They require a host to feed, often a family dog or cat. Venomous ticks such as the Paralysis tick can be very harmful and even fatal to your pet's health, and vet bills for minor treatments can be very pricey. Additionally, around 10% of dogs affected by ticks are exposed to Lyme disease. Ticks usually do not climb higher than around 50cm in the vegetation and there is no evidence to suggest that they fall out of trees. If you live in a Tick prone area, keeping the garden free of dead vegetation and the lawn mown short will reduce the likelihood of an infestation, with regular professional pest control treatments.
Pantry moths, such as the Indian meal moth are attracted to foodstuff as a place to lay eggs and feed, including dry goods, grains, nuts, flours, spices, and chocolate. The extent of moth damage depends on the degree of the infestation. A large population in the house can be quite costly, where large amounts of food may need to be thrown away due to contamination from pantry moth webbing, cocoons, and droppings. Often, the first signs of pantry moths appear too late to avoid contamination. Regular inspections and baits are an effective method of prevention.
Honey bees were introduced to Australia by early settlers to produce honey. Now they are found throughout Australia. Their size can range between 1.3mm-1.6 mm, and have very distinct yellow and black markings. The honey bee defends its nests very aggressively and if you are stung, it is fatal to the bee, as the stinger pulls out the bee’s lower abdomen leaving the venom gland pumping in the victim. A sting causes local pain and swelling. Nests are usually found undercover or in cavities. Increased activity in a specific area or a concentration of bees to one area often means there is a nest nearby.
Discovering an infestation of clothes moths usually occurs too late - once you find a hole in a garment. If you see an adult moth flying about in your home, it could be time to check the closet. Moths like to live in dark spaces like closets and infest items like clothing and upholstery made of animal-based materials. Their larvae eat the fabrics and can leave stains from vomit and feces. A large population of moths in the home can become costly. If you suspect there’s moths in your home talk to our trained technicians about prevention methods and a treatment plans that are suited to you.
Pests are frustrating, but not many are more annoying than flies. More than a nuisance, flies pose a serious risk to health, as they are first responders to rotting food, especially meat. Fly infestations can spread diseases like Salmonella and E. Coli as they buzz from rotting matter, to surfaces to food, carrying their germs with them. Small infestations can quickly become serious problems with a rapid germination period, sometimes short as seven days. If you’re experiencing more flies than usual, call K.C.S. Pest Control to inspect your property for a potential infestation and quick action plan to treat and remove the threat.
The signs of a mosquito infestation are annoying and clear - characterised by their high pitched buzzing and thirst for blood. Only the females bite, for a blood meal to feed the eggs they’re ready to lay. The immature stages of mosquitoes can be found in standing, preferably stagnant water. Small pools around the garden, watering dishes, containerised plants and many other places you may not be looking could be hosting a colony of these pests. People can have differing reactions to bites, from mild to intense inflammation. There are some measures you can take around the home to prevent mosquitoes, however a professional inspection by our technicians will be most effective at tackling continued problems.
The common paper wasps are found all across southern mainland Australia; from Southern Queensland, through New South Wales, down into Victoria and across to South Australia. They are 10-15mm long and will appear yellow or red in colour. The wasp is a social insect and will usually have colonies of many individuals. They make their ‘paper’ nests by chewing nectar and combining this with their saliva to form the nest. The wasp can be a beneficial insect around the home, helping control caterpillars, but they become extremely aggressive when approached or if their nest is disturbed. They can deliver a painful sting and the nests should be avoided during the day. Contact us if you have problems with wasps and our professional technicians will take care of it for you.
The common house mouse is a slender little rodent usually coloured brown to grey, with large rounded ears and bulging eyes. They are excellent climbers, jumpers and swimmers although they prefer not to swim. They will feed on animal feed, nuts and grains but despite what you may have been told cheese is not their favourite food. Telltale signs of mice in the home are small droppings, urine stains/smells, gnaw marks on food products or sightings during the day or night. Their population size can increase rapidly and the female can reproduce from two months of age having up to eight babies in a litter at a time. If you suspect your home is plagued by mice, contact us quickly for a professional inspection and eradication plan.
There are two species of rat commonly found in homes. The larger, heavy set Brown Rat and the slender Black Rat with a pointy nose and big ears. They require access to a lot more water than mice and leave larger telltale droppings, around 12mm - 18mm in length. They are prolific breeders, and like to live in roof and wall cavities, living for about a year and producing 4 - 5 litters from as early as 3 months old. Rats can be a fire hazard in older buildings, with a tendency to gnaw on loose wiring. If you suspect rats are in your home, contact us for a professional inspection right away.